Thursday, June 10, 2010


You may remember the story of Jacob and Esau. If not, here's a brief overview of their early years. Esau was the elder son of Isaac and Rebekah. He did not value his “birthright,” which was a special honor given to the oldest son carrying with it a double portion of the family inheritance along with becoming the future leader of the family. So one day, in haste, he (Esau) relinquished it to his twin brother Jacob for a mere meal of bread and stew. Later, Jacob, at the urging of his mother, deceived his father and received Esau's blessing. When Esau realized what had happened, he cried out loudly to his father and said, “Bless me - me too, my father! But he (Isaac) said, Your brother came deceitfully and took your blessing” Genesis 27:34.

Now, more than twenty years later, Jacob was preparing to meet his brother Esau. The last time he had seen his brother was when Esau vowed to kill Jacob as soon as their father Isaac died (Gen.27:41). So, what do you do when you expect the worst? Jacob decided to send some gifts in the form of various animals to his brother in hopes that the gifts would subdue any lingering anger from the past.

Jacob desired FAVOR (kindness) to be extended to him (Gen.32:5). Instead of going to his brother and asking forgiveness for his past sin, he attempted to purchase FAVOR with the display of his riches before Esau. Jacob even thought to himself, “I will pacify him (Esau) with these gifts…perhaps he will receive me” Genesis 32:20.

After sending ahead the gift of goats, ewes, rams, camels, cows, bulls, and donkeys, Jacob approached Esau, bowing down to the ground seven times. Jacob obviously expected the worst from his brother, but what happened was unimaginable. Esau, the brother who lost his birthright and blessing to Jacob was now running toward him and embracing him, throwing his arms around his neck and kissing him while weeping. What an exhilerating moment this must have been for Jacob and Esau. The pain of the past was gone. Esau no longer hated Jacob, but loved him.

Esau said to Jacob in my words… Hey Jake, what’s up with all those animals you sent me? Jacob admitted, I just wanted your favor. I just wanted us to be brothers who love each other. Is that possible?

Too many times, we too attempt to purchase God’s FAVOR by displaying our good conduct ~ “Look at me Lord - look at what I‘ve done for you…” But, Isa.64:6 says… "all our righteous acts are like filthy rags…” Esau refused to accept Jacob’s gifts. He didn't need them nor did he want them. He had already forgiven Jacob and out of that forgiveness came a kindness that could not be bought.

Like Esau, our Heavenly Father has no need of our gifts - He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and as my husband always says…. He owns the hills too. So we need to quit trying to purchase His FAVOR. He took our sin upon himself before we had need of him. He has forgiven us long ago so that we may freely approach His throne of grace with confidence that we too may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16

“I have cattle and donkeys, sheep and goats, men-servants and maid-servants. Now I am sending this message to my lord, that I may find FAVOR in your eyes” Genesis 32:5

1 comment:

  1. One additional note about Esau. Even though he didn't want Jacob's gifts - Jacob insisted. Gen.33:11 "And because Jacob insisted, Esau accepted it."
