Thursday, February 3, 2011


“….created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” Ephesians 4:24

Some may say it’s sacrilege to insinuate that we could be like God. Many Christians still see themselves as lowly worms before a righteous God. That would be true if it had not been for the sacrifice Christ made upon the cross 2,000 years ago. Christ’s demonstration of his love for mankind was a divine exchange of our sin for his righteousness. We now stand before him NEW - “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Imagine ---- you taking your old smelly tennis shoes into a store and as you lay them upon the counter - you’re met with a kind clerk with an enormous smile, who without hesitation hands you the latest, best looking tennis shoes you’ve ever seen. And, the best part is ….. There is NO CHARGE to you. It’s a gift. You walk out of the store wearing your NEW SHOES, you forget those worn out, ugly, smelly sneakers you brought into the store. You won’t ever need them or want them again.

So just as you exchanged your old smelly tennis shoes for a new pair…. Christ took our smelly sin upon himself and gave us a gift - HIMSELF and all that he is. “He became sin, who knew no sin, that we might become his righteousness…“ (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Now, we’re walking in our new shiny shoes - HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS and holiness. If, by faith you have received this precious gift of Jesus into your heart, you have now begun the greatest journey of your life. There’s no turning back - that old life is gone - a new one has begun. And, I do look like my heavenly Father after all.

.........Nice shoes!

1 comment:

  1. I love this parable Debbie! I had a dream last year where a river of fire was being released into the church by the Father. Many disappeared leaving their shoes behind--some were very beautiful, expensive and of high quality. My mom (in dreams, she usually represents the church) left only one shoe behind--it was a very showy, glitzy, spike-heeled boot -- I couldn't imagine my mom wearing something so gaudy. After I walked around looking at all the shoes, I took this boot down to the altar and gave it to my Father -- my mom was now sitting next to Him. In exchange, He handed me a pair of sandals. When I put them on, they were flames of fire. I believe the dream symbolizes the purifying work of God in believers now, preparing us for His coming glory. Many will turn away and/or be taken. The church (my mom) has one foot in the world, and one in the kingdom. I am one of many who has been interceding for the Bride to return to first love. To all who are willing to walk through the fire, God is giving great grace -- love, power and holiness -- we will emerge with gold refined in the fire, salve to anoint our eyes and white garments (His righteousness) to cover our shame. He is good! Bless you always.
